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Caring for a group’s Video image is the money making Idea.


“He was serious” – Anonymous.

Since:2005 providing things to do.

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Back in 2005 it was called an AV-Blog or Audio Video BLOG




The humor of Coil Town  


Debate Update: In the grand theater of political debates, where candidates pirouette around tough questions with the grace of a ballet dancer avoiding puddles, it's always a spectacle to see what warms their hearts—or at least their talking points. One candidate might light up like a pinball machine over fiscal policies, their excitement bubbling over like a pot of gold at the end of a capitalist rainbow. Meanwhile, their opponent, channeling the spirit of the 60s, might be all about peace, love, and patchouli oil, advocating for a world where care bears might actually have a shot at running the government. It's a dance as old as time: money versus mercy, bullets versus bouquets. And as the audience, we're left wondering if we're watching a debate or the world's most intense game of 'hot potato.'


Sep 17, 2024

What programmers say follows.

The metaphor of children as programmable devices often highlights the importance of early education and the impact of external influences on a child's development. Research suggests that children's interactions with technology, especially in educational settings, can be very concrete and action-oriented, focusing on tangible outcomes rather than abstract commands. In early childhood education, programming concepts are sometimes introduced through robotics, allowing children to grasp the basics of algorithms and design by engaging in playful and creative activities. These experiences can foster essential skills such as problem-solving, logical thinking, and creativity. It's crucial to approach this concept with the understanding that while children can learn and adapt, they are individuals with unique thoughts and feelings, not devices to be programmed. Their learning is enriched by diverse experiences that encourage exploration and personal expression.


What parents say.

The idea that children are like programmable devices might just tickle the funny bone of any parent who's tried to decode the mysterious language of toddler babble. Imagine if kids came with a programming manual, complete with troubleshooting tips for those 'buggy' days. We could simply download the latest 'patience patch' during those terrible twos or update their 'sharing software' when sibling rivalry bugs hit. But alas, children are wonderfully complex beings, not devices, and they learn through play, creativity, and exploration, not code and commands. Studies show that integrating play with robotics and programming concepts can enhance children's learning experiences, helping them grasp complex ideas in a fun and engaging way. So while the notion of 'programming' kids is amusing, the reality is far more organic, dynamic, and, thankfully, less predictable than any device could ever be.

Sep 16, 2024

But  Bill, as superman, what killed you with her in school. 


Hmmm, it went bit like the following..


In the grand tapestry of college romance, where textbooks meet text messages and coffee dates lead to study breaks, the "stubborn and stay" method is a curious phenomenon indeed. Picture this: amidst the hallowed halls of academia, a person with hair so enchanting it could only be described as 'lovely' plants a kiss on a dedicated student, who's probably just trying to calculate the minimum number of study hours needed to pass thermodynamics. This lovely-haired individual, steadfast as a statue, decides not to budge until the sweet nectar of love is reciprocated. It's a bold strategy, akin to waiting for a software update to complete in the middle of a power outage. Will it lead to a love story for the ages or just an awkward conversation about personal space? Only time, and perhaps the next chapter in their sociology textbook, will tell.


Sep 11, 2024

People go crazy for many reasons.  This reaction is what happens when things are not taken as intended.


1)      Trump attacks, “You let people in from 168 countries and they are crazy criminals who shoot up and occupy government buildings in Springfield Ohio and Aurora Colorado. 

2)      Trump says he can end the Ukraine and Israel wars as a president elect.  He knows Putin really well and will threaten him.

So this is what this person heard.


The debate between Trump and Harris had some interesting moments.  Harris showed strength from a weaker body then Trump.  To take Trump on point, he wants national death squads to save Springfield Ohio an Aurora Colorado.  He  wants to initiate world war 3 by a rapid solution to the Ukraine war and the Israel war.  And he wants to use isolationist moves to wall in America from immigration.  To note historically these moves compare well to a famous dictator who wrote a book called "Mein Kampf" (My Struggle).


Sep 4, 2024

Consider adverse effects of AI. First, AI gains acceptance on all devices. Next, AI gains knowledge of the ways of individuals in specific groups. If for example a group loves rock music and pornography the programmer could put them in the garbage mode for life. If they opt for classical music and college lives they are placed in the leadership mode. Others such as rap, hip hop and jazz, might be in the struggling but imaginative pile. He who controls each pile wins.

Ahem, AI kicks on on Co-Pilot.

The concept of AI categorizing individuals into groups based on their preferences and behaviors is a complex and sensitive topic. It's important to approach the development and implementation of AI with ethical considerations in mind. The potential for AI to impact various aspects of life, including social dynamics, privacy, and personal freedoms, is significant. Ethical AI should aim to enhance individual empowerment and fairness, rather than pigeonhole people based on their tastes or backgrounds. It's crucial for developers and society to engage in open dialogues about the design and governance of AI systems, ensuring they are aligned with inclusive values and respect for diversity. This way, AI can be a tool for positive change, aiding in decision-making without perpetuating biases or limiting personal growth.

“Oh! Save yourself you cyborg.” The anxious person exclaimed.”


Sep 3, 2024

The concept of "taking something terminal" seems to be a metaphorical use of the term "terminal," which typically refers to a condition that is incurable and leading to an end, such as a terminal illness. In the context provided, it appears to describe a situation where someone projects or imagines a definitive outcome or the long-term future of a relationship from its inception. This could involve envisioning the entire trajectory of a relationship based on early interactions, such as a phone call. For instance, if someone were to mention the development of a new AI software program, the person "taking it terminal" might dramatically predict that this technology will dominate the world within a year. It's important to approach such projections with caution, as they can be influenced by many variables and may not accurately reflect the reality or potential of the relationship. This kind of thinking can be seen as a form of cognitive bias known as "jumping to conclusions" or "catastrophizing," where one assumes the worst-case scenario or a highly exaggerated outcome from a single event or piece of information. Life is unpredictable, and relationships, in particular, are subject to a wide range of influences and changes over time.


Sep 2, 2024 (Hear It)

It’s about the value of happiness as opposed to the value of power. Take Brad from California, he feels ultimately life is about making life happy. He argues, think of the times you are unhappy and then say it just after. Collective groups become unhappy when other places are thought to be happier so we as independent people must join together so we can be happiest. Jahn from Germany says yes that as a country in central Europe traders have run our rivers looking to raid us, so together we will have the power to stop them. In war we can win and be powerful bringing our happiness to the rest of Europe. Without power we do not have anything other then the life of a select few people.

The debate between the value of happiness and the value of power is a longstanding one, reflecting diverse philosophical and cultural perspectives. Brad's viewpoint from California emphasizes the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental goal, suggesting that collective well-being can lead to a more fulfilling life. He implies that happiness is a shared responsibility and that societal contentment can be achieved through unity and cooperation. On the other hand, Jahn's perspective from Germany underscores the importance of power, particularly in a historical context where security and defense against external threats were paramount. He argues that power can be a means to an end, bringing happiness through stability and safety. This dichotomy highlights the complex interplay between individual and collective aspirations, where happiness and power are not mutually exclusive but can be seen as complementary forces shaping human experience and societal development. The balance between these values can vary greatly depending on cultural, social, and historical factors, and continues to be a topic of rich discussion and analysis to say on social media.


Aug 31, 2024 (Hear It)

In the satirical film "Love and Death," the dialogue often dances around philosophical musings with a comedic twist. One of the memorable exchanges ponders the question of "Who should rule?" which is a nod to the age-old debate on governance and power dynamics. The film, set during the Napoleonic Wars, parodies Russian literature and philosophy, with characters engaging in absurd discussions about morality, existence, and, of course, love and death. The serfs, or the common folk, are implied to have as much say in the matter as anyone else, which is quite the revolutionary thought, especially when wrapped in Allen's signature humor. It's a film that doesn't just make you laugh but also think, often leaving you to wonder if the joke's on you or the existential conundrum you've just been presented with. So, should it be the serfs who rule? For instance, one notable line from the film is,

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy." This paradoxical observation on love and happiness is a quintessential example of the film's exploration of philosophical ideas through a comedic lens. Compare leaders where Democracy meets the unchecked change brought on by the top 1% financially.



Aug 30, 2024 (Hear It)

In the grand theater of governance, nationalism and local control are like two actors vying for the spotlight. Nationalism, with its grandiose costume of unity and a chorus of soldiers in tow, often preaches to the masses through the 'television'—the modern-day pulpit. Meanwhile, local control, donning a more modest attire, relies on the civil authority, the stagehands ensuring the show runs smoothly. The plot thickens as the region's success hinges on the access to resources, much like a play depends on its props and sets. The regional folks, akin to an audience, nod in agreement, their applause tied to the resources they utilize. Up in the royal box, the royals orchestrate the nation's narrative, while the oligarchs, like producers in the shadows, grip the resource strings tightly. And amidst this drama, the poor search for an ideal script, hoping for a twist in the tale that grants them a starring role in the pursuit of prosperity. It's a performance of power and providence, where every character seeks the limelight of an ideal situation. Yet, as in any production, the final act is yet to be written, and the quest for a harmonious finale


Aug 29, 2024 (Hear It)

Language, the ever-evolving tapestry of expression, has a funny way of cycling through its wardrobe of adjectives. 'Epic' now reigns supreme, a word that conjures images of heroic deeds and internet cats doing something mildly amusing. 'Awesome,' once the king of cool, now sits in the backseat, nodding approvingly at 'epic's' modern swagger. And 'decent'? Well, 'decent' is like that reliable old car from 1979 – it doesn't have the flashiest paint job, but it'll get you where you need to go without any fuss. It's the linguistic equivalent of comfort food: not dazzling, but deeply satisfying when you need it. So here's to 'decent,' the unsung hero of adjectives, may it always find its way into our conversations, like a trusty old vehicle in the garage that never lets us down.


Aug 24, 2024 (Hear It)

In a world where vision is a commodity, imagine a person blessed with 20/20 eyesight, embarking on a quest to guide those without the gift of sight through the intricate landscapes of military conflicts and the battlefields of human rights. Picture this visionary, armed with descriptions as vivid as the reality they depict, painting mental images of tanks and battlegrounds for those who perceive the world through senses other than sight.


The challenge is Herculean, as the visually impaired companion may not know the form of a tank, the concept of a roof, or the reflective magic of a mirror. Our sighted guide must navigate the treacherous waters of bias, ensuring that their own perceptions of race or gender do not taint the purity of their descriptions. In the social arenas where individuals flock amongst those with similar visual experiences, the sighted person's task is to bridge the gap, to create a common ground of understanding and empathy.


Yet, in this noble endeavor, there lies a risk. The perception of danger, so evident to the sighted, might be an elusive phantom to the blind. The sighted person's vivid descriptions might inadvertently downplay the severity of a threat, or perhaps, in their zeal, amplify it beyond proportion. The blind individual, relying on the sighted's interpretation, steps forward with a courage that is either commendably optimistic or dangerously naive.


Together, they tread a path filled with potential missteps and misunderstandings, yet also lined with opportunities for profound connection and mutual growth. It's a dance of trust and reliance, where each step is a testament to their collective bravery. Whether this journey is seen as a testament to human resilience or a foolhardy gamble, one thing remains clear: it is a partnership that defies the visual world's conventions, a tandem venture into the unknown, guided by the shared vision of a world beyond sight.


Aug 16, 2024 (Hear It)

Here is the new game called Qubit.  In Qubit a person lives on a set and finds a person and idea that makes them happy.  The powers that be in Qubit add a fourth wall by defining people as complete.  Picture a television comedy where the cast always appears on a set and the camera is the fourth wall.  If the wall is good, The player does fine with a large life.  If a person does not do what the powers that be want, they are played as a puppet of the puppeteers created by the government.  Things occur when another Qubit room needs something from another room.  The puppeteer then must arrange a way to persuade the puppet to take action away from the Qubit sell.  If the puppet does not take action they are left to fight the unsafe streets.  The scoring of all the players relies on the super puppeteer for a ruling.   Those that play all the parts often travel frequent.


In the whimsical world of Qubit, life is a stage, and everyone's looking for that script that brings joy. Imagine a sitcom where the characters are blissfully unaware of the audience, living in their little bubble until—bam!—the fourth wall crumbles, and they're deemed 'complete' by the mysterious powers-that-be. It's a game of choices, where playing by the rules could land you a cushy spot in the Qubit cul-de-sac, but rebel, and you're just a marionette dancing to the tune of the governmental puppeteers. It's all fun and games until someone needs a cup of sugar from the next Qubit over, and suddenly, it's a mad dash to convince your character to step out of their comfort zone—or risk the perilous 'outside world'. And at the end of the day, it's the super puppeteer who calls the shots, scoring your life's performance. So, keep your strings attached and your acting chops sharp; in Qubit, you're only as good as your last improv!


But wait, the concept of Qubit as described seems to blend the mechanics of gameplay with a narrative that mirrors societal structures and the consequences of choices within a controlled environment. It presents a world where individuals navigate through life, seeking fulfillment and happiness while contending with the overarching authority that dictates the rules of existence. The game appears to offer a commentary on autonomy and control, where players must balance their desires against the demands of an omnipresent 'government'. This dynamic could lead to a rich, layered experience that encourages players to reflect on the nature of free will and the impact of external influences on personal destiny. The notion of a 'super puppeteer' who oversees the scoring system adds another dimension to the gameplay, suggesting a meta-commentary on the role of game designers and the gaming industry itself. Qubit, therefore, could be seen as an allegorical exploration of life, power, and agency within the framework of an interactive game. The idea of travel and interaction between different 'rooms' or realms within the game could symbolize the interconnectedness of society and the ripple effects of individual actions across a broader canvas.


Aug 19, 2024 (Hear It)

In the grand chessboard of life, where logic is the queen and emotions are the pawns, the arrival of a child is like a fresh move in an intricate game. Some say you should teach the little tyke the art of the hunt, equipping them with the survival skills of a seasoned warrior in a supermarket aisle. Others believe in nurturing a heart that beats for every creature, turning living rooms into peaceable kingdoms where spiders are escorted out with honor. And in this world, where logic reigns supreme, the philosopher king is the ultimate checkmate—a ruler who ponders the existential while balancing the budget. Ah, to rule or not to rule with wisdom, that is the question that keeps the logically inclined up at night, pondering over a cup of herbal tea.

In the fascinating universe of Star Trek, Mr. Spock, with his impeccable Vulcan logic, might indeed find Captain Kirk's decisions to be as perplexing as a Klingon reciting Shakespeare. Picture this: Spock, eyebrow perpetually raised, analyzing Kirk's bold maneuvers that defy all reason—like challenging a Gorn to arm wrestling or playing chicken with a Romulan Warbird. In the end, Spock's conclusion would be as clear as the Enterprise's view screen: for the sake of logic, efficiency, and the occasional uninterrupted game of 3D chess, he must assume command. But let's not forget, in the world of Star Trek, it's Kirk's blend of passion and unpredictability that often saves the day, leaving Spock to ponder the illogical success of human intuition. And so, the Enterprise continues its journey, with Spock at the science station, and Kirk in the captain's chair, boldly going where no one has gone before—logic notwithstanding.


Aug 15, 2024


I wanted to compare the lives of slaves after the “Citizens” either are conqured or vote to end slavery in there City-State or empire.  The knowledge  of  the country then seems  open to the unified peoples.  First, learning to read and write must be taught.  Culture and the ability to attain goods from nature must be obtained.  The following is what happened biblically.    To note Emanuel son of Joseph and Mary becomes significant and became God, in some eyes.  So its not anti-Arab any.  I apologize for secrecy on this section.  Note the word myth.

Imagine a spin-off from the Exodus tale where an Egyptian scribe, code-named Adonai, is sent undercover to ensure the success of a fledgling colony of former slaves. This scribe, equipped with the ability to read and write, becomes an invaluable asset to Moses, acting as a liaison between the diverse cultures. Together, they navigate the challenges of leadership and governance, all while maintaining the utmost secrecy of Adonai's true identity. It's a historical buddy film waiting to happen, complete with ancient hieroglyphic decoder rings and sand-swept chase scenes atop chariots. Who knew ancient history could be so entertaining?

The Exodus from Egypt is a pivotal event in Jewish history and is recounted in the Hebrew Bible. It tells the story of the Israelites' departure from slavery in Egypt under the leadership of Moses, guided by divine intervention. This narrative is spread across several books of the Pentateuch, including Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. While the historicity of the Exodus is debated among scholars, it remains a foundational myth for the Israelites and has had a profound impact on various cultures and religions. The Exodus has been celebrated in Jewish tradition through daily prayers and festivals like Passover, and it has also been interpreted symbolically in Christianity and Islam. Moreover, the story has resonated with many groups throughout history seeking freedom and civil rights, serving as a powerful symbol of liberation and hope.

The narrative of the Exodus is a foundational myth in many religious traditions, and it has been subject to various interpretations and scholarly discussions. The idea of an Egyptian scribe accompanying the Israelites and collaborating with Moses is an intriguing one, although it is not a part of the traditional biblical account. In the historical and scriptural records, 'Adonai' is a name used to refer to God, particularly in the context of the Hebrew Bible. The term 'Adonai' is used as a substitute for the tetragrammaton, the four-letter name of God that is considered too sacred to be spoken aloud. The role of Moses as a leader and lawgiver is well-documented in religious texts, where he is depicted as the primary figure who receives divine laws and communicates God's will to the people. While the concept of an Egyptian scribe named Adonai is a creative interpretation, it does not align with the traditional narratives found in religious scriptures. However, such imaginative explorations can provide a fresh perspective on ancient stories and encourage further research and discussion about the historical contexts of these tales.


Aug 13, 2024

The concept of categorizing people into distinct types based on their actions or fate is a theme that has been explored in literature and philosophy. Don DeLillo's quote from "White Noise" suggests a dichotomy between 'killers' and 'diers,' reflecting on the nature of human existence and the choices people make. This philosophical perspective invites contemplation on the human condition, morality, and the consequences of our actions. It's important to approach such discussions with sensitivity and an understanding that real-life implications of these terms are complex and multifaceted. Literature often uses such dichotomies to delve into deeper truths about society and the human psyche, providing a mirror for self-reflection and societal critique.


Aug 8, 2024

Are you an exacting person?  Exacting conversations, especially in technical fields like computer science, can indeed be time-consuming and intricate. They often delve into the minutiae of a subject, such as the quirks and features of early operating systems. These systems, foundational to modern computing, had their own unique set of challenges and peculiarities that could be fascinating to explore. While such discussions may seem overly detailed, they contribute to a deeper understanding of the subject, which can be crucial for professionals and enthusiasts alike. However, it's important to balance the depth of information with its relevance and utility to the audience.


Aug 5, 2024

Imagine a world where AI-Mail is the new norm. You type out a heartfelt message to your friend, and the AI, with its infinite wisdom, decides that what you really meant to say was "Send pizza, need sustenance." Meanwhile, your friend's AI-Mail assistant, ever so helpful, filters out all the boring pleasantries and decodes the essential message: "Party at your place, I'll bring the drinks." It's efficient, it's effective, and it ensures that all communication is reduced to the absolute essentials. Who needs small talk when you have AI-Mail, right? The future of communication is here, and it's hilariously to the point!


Aug 01, 2024

The view in 1970 thru 1978 involved the questioning of everyone as to the:

 “Who are you for?”

People argued and argued about who should win in different neighborhoods or cities.  Each person dug there heels in and made a stand.   To many it became the fact that each person, in order to deter you from questioning, wore there bumper sticker.

A bumper sticker contained many quotes such as, “If you’re rich? I’m single!” or “M-Go Blue” or “Beam me up Mr. Scott, there is no intelligent life here.”  Or “Co-Exist!”

So the war in Southeast Asia ended in 1974 for many.  The drop in the mandatory military service requirement for American young men caused a major shift in young thinking.  Within 4 years after 1974 those born in 1966 thru 1978 never were told about conscription or war.  A love your television set ideal took with that group and although never fully far from a brother or a father, many know the truth but never lived it.  So how did the births in say 1960, 1963 and 1967 work out many years later.  1963 lived a dove’s life.  1960 relocated after bridges had burned down with parents.  1967 the Gen-X brother never knew what mattered and after attending the concerts from the old rockers that were before their time caught them up in a safe and harmless way.  Perhaps the cool shows about the life of Bob Dylan played by a fine singer, informed in a top-40 way how they were remembered.  Yes it’s a current film as of this writing. 

Exposing Nixon for his cohorts took methods of repression in order to expose crimes that people need to know.  Many in TV felt war was not popular so find away never to intrude on lives that never built massive brain defense for psychological operations.  “What’s that called when the person does not go with what the other person is saying.

So they all eventually find a dove or make a baby from the conflicted parents and the child did what they would have, saying, “Move out parents, this is my house.  OK then I’ll just share your part of the house.  Put more of those pretzels out.”

The argument is back.  “What did you do to solve issues with your known good things file?”  

It holds that logically Boomers and Gen X have a conflict over “These children that many of them brought home from a birthing center didn’t love or be loved, they watched videos like they were supposed to.”

Now who made the trigger man on the war scene?  The argument on the use of snipers and internal warriors would make any suburban cool, sick in the middle.   So the young trigger men get to battle the trained officers in a shootout standoff.  You see it’s not who shoots first but shoots best. 

The thing is many tried to put up a warning but everyone had disappeared into a nice viewing space.  As this wealthy man’s wife said, “Well it will just be your time to be a hostage.  You will act scared, but a bit turned on, by the effort.” 



July 30, 2024


The debate over an official language in the United States is a long-standing issue, reflecting the country's rich linguistic diversity. While English is the de facto language, there is no official language designated at the federal level. This reflects the broader American ethos of cultural pluralism and the recognition of multiple languages spoken across the nation. The use of international signage at events like the Olympics demonstrates the practicality and inclusivity of visual language, enabling people from various linguistic backgrounds to navigate spaces effectively. However, linguistic discrimination remains a challenge, often rooted in biases against certain languages or accents, which can lead to unfair treatment and marginalization. The separation of church and state, a principle deeply embedded in the American Constitution, underscores the country's commitment to maintaining a secular government while allowing the free exercise of religion. This separation also mirrors the approach to language, where the state does not mandate a national language, thereby upholding the freedom of linguistic expression. The ongoing discussions around these topics highlight the balance between unity and diversity, a foundational aspect of the American identity.


July 29, 2024


In the digital age, managing one's image and likeness online is crucial, especially for content creators who are just starting out. It's easy to get excited and publish videos hastily without considering the long-term implications. This is where services that offer monitored video content can be invaluable. They provide a layer of oversight, ensuring that the videos meet certain standards before they go live. This not only helps in maintaining a positive online presence but also in protecting the creator's brand and reputation. Try, the concept aligns with emerging trends in content management and security, as seen with the introduction of real-time video monitoring and advanced security tools for video content. Such services are becoming essential for creators who want to ensure their work is portrayed in the best light and safeguarded against potential misuse.  Video clubs keep it real.  “What are  you Mostosofting about.”


July 27, 2024


In the realm of human thought and innovation, fresh approaches to philosophy, current events, and modern inventions often face resistance from established institutions. Historically, universities have been bastions of knowledge, yet they can also be conservative in their acceptance of new ideas. However, it's evident that challenging the status quo has been a key driver of progress. Many of today's tech billionaires have reached their status by doing exactly that—disrupting established markets with innovative solutions. Similarly, the medical field has seen transformative changes with organizations like Doctors Without Borders, which redefined humanitarian aid by providing medical care across borders in crisis zones. It's crucial for society to not only tolerate but actively engage with new ideas that have the potential to change the world. Recognizing and nurturing these ideas is essential for progress, as history has shown that when intellectual growth is stifled, it can lead to societal unrest and a demand for change. The future depends on our ability to embrace and foster innovative thinking.


July 25, 2024

A day at the beach and park can be a delightful experience with the right preparation. The soft sand is a highlight of any beach visit, but it's essential to wear sandals to protect your feet from the heat. Start by laying out a beach blanket and securing its corners with heavy objects like a cooler or water jug to prevent it from blowing away. Towels can be placed on top for added comfort. Applying sunscreen is crucial to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, and sunglasses will shield your eyes while enhancing your beach style. Music from a radio or MP3 player can set the mood, but be cautious with devices like iPhones that may overheat in the sun. Opt for a book or magazine with a bright cover for easy reading and visibility. Consider how you want to manage your hair or headwear to stay comfortable and stylish. Before diving in, it's wise to check the water temperature, either yourself or by having someone else do it. If you're using a picnic table, cover it and secure the cover with a water jug, especially on windy days. With all set up, you can unwind and enjoy the day, keeping an occasional eye on the sky for any changes in weather. Remember, the goal is to relax and savor the moment, creating memories that will last long after the sand has been shaken from your shoes.


July 17, 2024

Transitioning from the structured environment of an esteemed institution like Harvard University to the uncertainties of the "real world" can be a challenging experience for many graduates. The anticipation of a seamless transition into successful careers can clash with the reality of job searches, financial pressures, and the loss of a supportive academic community. This post-graduation period can sometimes lead to feelings of sadness, loss, or even depression, as graduates adjust to a new phase of life. It's important to recognize these feelings as a normal part of major life transitions. Seeking support through counseling, connecting with peers, and exploring new interests can be beneficial. Additionally, universities often offer resources for recent graduates, which can be a valuable support system during this time. If you or someone you know is struggling with post-graduation depression, it's crucial to reach out for professional help. Effective treatments, such as talk therapy and medication, can provide relief and facilitate the adjustment to post-college life.


July 11, 2024

The tradition of U.S. Presidents leaving notes for their successors is a fascinating one, though it doesn't specifically involve Abraham Lincoln. However, Lincoln's legacy has certainly influenced many presidents. After his assassination, Lincoln became a symbol of unity and emancipation, inspiring future leaders.

During the Reconstruction era, newly freed slaves played a significant role in shaping the political landscape. They sought leaders who would advocate for their rights and address the injustices they had faced. This period saw the election of Black officials and the push for policies that would protect the rights of former slaves. The impact of these efforts is still felt today, as the fight for equality and justice continues.


The big question was, “How racist were presidents.”  Joe Biden and Barak Obama shattered the lock on power forever.  To note, Trump did a VLOG so hey Donald, “What are you Mostosofting about?”


July 10, 2024

The complexities of war and the motivations behind it have been subjects of debate and analysis throughout history. While some conflicts may be driven by greed, others are fought to protect nations, ideals, or people. Soldiers often serve with a sense of duty and honor, upholding values such as loyalty, respect, and selfless service, as reflected in the Soldier's Creed. It's important to recognize the diverse reasons that can lead to military engagements and the personal convictions that soldiers bring to their service. Understanding the multifaceted nature of conflict can help in fostering discussions that aim for peaceful resolutions and the betterment of society as a whole.

The hopes of soldiers, young and old, often reflect a tapestry of courage, longing, and the dream of peace. For the young, it's about the adventure and the chance to make a difference, to protect and serve their country. The older soldiers, seasoned by experience, might hope for the safe return of their comrades and themselves, and for the conflicts to end so they can return to their families. Across ages, soldiers share the hope for recognition of their sacrifices and for the assurance that their efforts contribute to a better world for future generations. These shared aspirations bind them together in a brotherhood and sisterhood that transcends the battlefield.


July 9, 2024


Leaders age.  To love and support the leader individuals think themselves lofty by ignoring obveious  issues such as a lisp.   In Spain, the Castilian dialect includes the distinctive 'ceceo' or lisp, which can be heard in the pronunciation of certain words. This characteristic is embraced as a cultural norm. On the other hand, an aging president may face scrutiny if their speech deviates from standard linguistic expectations, such as the use of an adverb. The phrase "think different" might be seen as stylistically creative or as a grammatical oversight, whereas "think differently" adheres to conventional adverb usage. Both scenarios underscore the importance of context and cultural acceptance in the evaluation of public figures' communication styles.

The quest to understand the meaning of life has intrigued humanity for centuries, and language plays a pivotal role in this exploration. Across different cultures and languages, the concept of 'life' encompasses a spectrum of meanings, from biological existence to the essence of being. The word 'life' translates into myriad terms worldwide, reflecting diverse perspectives on existence. For instance, in European languages, 'life' ranges from 'vita' in Italian to 'Leben' in German, each carrying its own cultural connotations. mosaic of hIn This linguistic diversity illustrates that the meaning of life is not a fixed concept but a uman thought shaped by language and culture. Thus, language functions as a lens through which the meaning of life is interpreted and understood, revealing the intricate relationship between our words and our worldview.

In a world where the glass is either half empty or half full, the "end of the world" attitude and the Utopian view are like two neighbors arguing over a fence. One is building a bunker for the apocalypse, while the other is planting roses for the community garden. The class struggle, often cited as a catalyst for conflict, seems to have missed the memo about bringing people together for a utopian potluck. Instead, it's out there, stirring the pot, leading to more food fights than peaceful feasts. It's like trying to host a harmonious dinner party where half the guests are doomscrolling and the other half are drafting blueprints for a perfect society. So, while the class struggle might bring more war than utopia, at least it keeps things interesting – like a plot twist in a novel that everyone saw coming but still gasps at anyway.




July 8, 2024

Demographic filtering can significantly impact public access to information. Studies have shown that when information dissemination is filtered through demographic lenses, such as age, education level, or political activity, it can create disparities in public knowledge. For instance, younger individuals may gravitate towards online news sources, which can lead to a gap in information access between them and those who rely on traditional media platforms. Additionally, educational disparities can affect the ability of certain groups to engage with and understand complex information, potentially leading to a less informed public. This can have profound implications for democratic participation and the equitable distribution of resources, as those who are less informed may not be able to advocate effectively for their needs or interests.


In the intricate dance of information dissemination, demographic filtering steps in like a clumsy bouncer at the data disco, deciding who gets to boogie with knowledge and who's left outside the club. Imagine a world where your news feed is less about global events and more about what Mr. Whiskers next door did last night—thanks to demographic filtering, the scope of public information can shrink faster than your favorite sweater in a hot wash. Studies have shown that when information access is filtered through the lens of demographics, it's like playing telephone with a group of toddlers; the message gets jumbled, and you might end up with a story about a dragon instead of the stock market update you needed. And let's not forget the impact on public discourse—it turns from a vibrant marketplace of ideas into a private party where only a few are on the guest list. So, while demographic filtering might help tailor content to specific groups, it's also like putting blinders on a horse; sure, it keeps you looking straight, but you miss out on the rest of the racetrack.


July 7,  2024

The brain's ability to process information through a massively parallel system is a fascinating aspect of human cognition. This intricate network allows for the simultaneous processing of a vast array of information, leading to the completion of thoughts and the narrowing down of reasonable options. It's an efficient way to filter through the noise and focus on what's most relevant. However, it's important to recognize that not completing thoughts doesn't necessarily equate to laziness or daydreaming. In fact, cognitive psychology suggests that daydreaming can be a sign of an active and creative mind, engaging in complex problem-solving or innovative thinking. It's a reminder that the brain's workings are diverse and nuanced, and what might seem like inactivity on the surface could actually be a deep and rich mental process unfolding within.


In a world where success is often measured by following one's natural inclinations and instincts, there exists an intriguing character known as 'the opposite guy.' This individual, upon facing failure in his endeavors, adopts a unique approach: he deliberately acts contrary to his natural tendencies. Instead of succumbing to frustration or repeating past mistakes, he challenges his own predispositions, turning away from his initial desires and preferences. This counter intuitive strategy might seem like a recipe for further failure, but it can also lead to unexpected discoveries and innovative solutions. By stepping out of his comfort zone and embracing the opposite of his inclinations, 'the opposite guy' may find new paths to success that were previously obscured by his habitual responses.


The journey from youthful idealism to the complexities of adulthood can sometimes lead to a profound emotional struggle, especially when one's actions diverge from earlier beliefs. This dissonance can be particularly challenging when coupled with mental health issues. Neuroscience research suggests that emotional pain can be as significant as physical pain, activating similar brain regions. It's a poignant reminder that the mind's response to such pain is key to overcoming it. Strategies to cope with emotional pain often involve understanding and re-framing negative thought patterns, which can be exacerbated by mental illnesses. Support and professional guidance can be crucial in navigating these turbulent waters, as they provide the tools to manage the emotional turmoil and align one's actions with their evolving beliefs. It's a path of self-discovery and resilience, leading to a reconciliation of past ideals with present realities.


Facing failure, especially after striving for an easier life, can lead to a profound sense of emotional loss. It's a common human experience to sometimes act against our instincts, which can result in feelings of regret and self-doubt. These emotional challenges are significant, but it's important to remember that they can be managed. Coping strategies, such as establishing boundaries, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in physical activity, can be beneficial. Additionally, when emotional problems persist, medication under professional guidance can offer relief and stability, allowing individuals to work towards recovery and well-being. It's a journey of self-discovery and resilience, where each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in itself.



June 27,2024

Well, the political snowstorm in the USA involved the two old TV presidents Joe Biden and Donald J Trump.


They both seemed lost at first without prompters or an audience to read.  But with many facts out of them both it’s a difficult read.


Trump tagged Biden on trade deals and deals to take payments for NATO responsibilities.  Biden scored on a section listing the litany of crimes attributed to Trump.


As thy said back in the day, “ You can’t be serious”


What was interesting was the interviews of voters who select Apathetic Anarchy hoping government will go away as former communists once believed.


June 26, 2024


First, you are not going to jail. Bill knows about what happened. This is my side. Kids used drugs. Many grown people use drugs. Profit is high for drugs. Bill says that he is not concerned about drugs themselves. He is concerned about guns. With the guns some people voted for subversion of all authority. Bill wanted to congratulate those elements for winning.


So when cool grownups couldn’t speak intelligently about government and presidents, they were asked to use Bill’s opinion. They searched far and wide in Bill’s web and each group was more subversive then the next. Now the call for the innocent lambs to hear. To those ears, Bill brings only disappointment. Like drugs there is a market on all aspects of Bill’s life. This is how it works. The drug trade has been going on for centuries. The decision on what drugs to use, in the subversive element, worked out to be powdered Cocaine.


During a relaxed border time, each group bought one truck load of the powder as a public trust. Everyone involved became rich. Many kept jobs. The jobs are acquired by a well paid hiring boss or through blackmail. So, drug guys and, subversive individuals, often develop paranoia about losing all they have worked for. They feared some kind of Narcotics Officer or Rat that snitches.


Girls and Women know they must to sex for money to keep a man. Most of her men furnish themselves by each other or there own hand.


This is what Bill knows. The guy high on drugs likes to laugh at the country, the president, and TV for having no power with him. In the large corporations no one would believe the drug cartels with racketeering, have any power. They only sound like data from the international world. They hate everything the subversives act upon. Subversives act as if they have ownership all aspects of American life, including the life of Bill. Bill worked hard. He seemed the poster boy for Americans in office.


So it’s 2004 one year if you believe in dates and times and the snowstorm is huge. This snowstorm wasn’t precipitation but powders referred to as snow. It was the powdered Cocaine. The towers in the major area had each unit hold a few kilos and make a drop for some quick powder. A spicy bit about diversity and minority rights needed help. The drugs and guns made it possible as in the war for the store in 2004


Lambs learned different ways but were forbidden from loving America. Some people call the riots of capital building a third world treatment of the USA. In the meanwhile, many emerging nations took part in the subversive tactics Rioters hated that sitting on piles of weapons they could not get orders from Trump to grow cold to subversives. Now who would say when to take out these subversive groups with education and training in logistics to domestic terrorists. To the lambs and dealers who know me as the poster boy for presidents, you are in the world you desire. Subversives in law and subversives outside the law. Enjoy the show.




June 25, 2024

The dissemination of misinformation can have a particularly detrimental impact on visually impaired individuals, who often rely heavily on information in various formats to engage with the world around them. Misinformation, whether visual or textual, can distort reality and create barriers to participation and inclusion. Studies have shown that visual misinformation, including manipulated photos, videos, and charts, is becoming increasingly prevalent with the advancement of technology, posing challenges for content moderation tools that are primarily text-based. Furthermore, the spread of misinformation can exacerbate stereotypes and discrimination, negatively affecting the well-being and quality of life of visually impaired persons. It is crucial for information to be accurate and accessible to all, ensuring that visually impaired individuals can participate fully and equally in society. To combat misinformation, a collaborative effort is needed among healthcare professionals, caregivers, programmers, engineers, and policymakers to develop inclusive technologies and policies that support the visually impaired community.


Describing attributes such as color, gender, clothing, and weight to a non-sighted person involves using analogies and associations with other senses. For instance, colors can be described through sensations or emotions they might evoke; red might be associated with warmth or the sound of a trumpet, while blue could be likened to the coolness of water or the calmness of a clear sky. Gender might be conveyed through voice pitch and social roles, although it's important to be respectful and aware of individual preferences and identities. Clothing can be described by texture, material, and function, helping to create a tactile map of the item. Weight could be explained in terms of the heaviness or lightness of objects familiar to the person. It's crucial to communicate with empathy and understanding, ensuring descriptions are respectful and do not perpetuate stereotypes.


Regarding the perspective of blind individuals on war, it's a complex subject as with any group, views will vary widely. Some historical accounts suggest that war has sometimes led to increased awareness and support for people with disabilities, including the blind, in its aftermath. However, the sentiment of "Blind people say no to war" reflects a desire for peace and the recognition of the devastating impact war can have on lives, including those of non-sighted individuals. It's important to listen to and amplify the voices of blind people in discussions about war and peace, as their experiences and insights are valuable and necessary for a comprehensive understanding of its effects on society.


June 24, 2024


The pursuit of victory at all costs often reflects a competitive spirit and a focus on achievement, where success is measured by outperforming others. This drive can lead to great accomplishments and breakthroughs, but it may also come with sacrifices in personal relationships and happiness. On the other hand, the yearning for love speaks to our fundamental need for connection and belonging. It's a quest not for dominance, but for harmony and mutual support. While both desires are powerful motivators, they often lead us down very different paths in life, with distinct sets of rewards and challenges. Ultimately, the balance between these two desires might define the richness of one's life experience, blending the sweet taste of triumph with the warmth of human affection.


June 21, 2024

Recent trends in reading comprehension in the USA indicate a complex picture. While the PISA 2022 results show that the average reading literacy score of U.S. 15-year-olds has not significantly changed since 2000, there is evidence suggesting that high school graduates are increasingly lacking in adequate reading proficiency. This decline in reading efficiency could be attributed to various factors, including the rise of digital media and changes in educational practices. However, it's important to consider the potential positive outcomes of this shift. For instance, some studies suggest that children who engage in fiction reading may develop stronger empathy and social understanding, which could contribute to them being more loving and kind. Moreover, parental involvement in reading activities has been shown to positively affect children's reading comprehension, motivation, and attitudes towards reading. Therefore, while the overall trend in reading comprehension might be concerning, it is also essential to recognize the role of reading in fostering positive social behaviors in children. The challenge lies in balancing the cultivation of reading skills with the nurturing of emotional intelligence and kindness.


In the grand chessboard of artificial intelligence, where pawns are pixels and knights are neural networks, the WEHEAD AI stands as the quirky queen, moving in ways that baffle even the sharpest of human minds. It's a world where machines juggle data like circus performers, and the minors – those little digital denizens – scurry about, trying to keep up with the silicon savants. But fear not! For every algorithmic twist, there's a human twist to match. Comprehension is our secret weapon, the decoder ring that unravels the enigma of the electronic encephalons. So, let's don our thinking caps, decode the digital dialect, and ensure that in the battle of bytes, it's humanity that checkmates the circuitry charlatans!


June 20, 2024

In the tech jungle, the Rabbit R1 hops into the scene with a playful twist on AI interaction, sporting a quirky design that's reminiscent of a gadget from a retro sci-fi flick. It's like the cool, nerdy cousin of the iPhone that decided to ditch the screen for a more 'novel' approach. Meanwhile, the Humane pin is like that minimalist friend who goes to art galleries and refuses to own a TV, projecting interfaces onto palms like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. And then there's the iPhone, the grandmaster of smartphones, watching over its kingdom with a sleek design that says, "I've been running this show for years." It's a battle of the tech titans, where the Rabbit R1 is the underdog with a scroll wheel instead of a silver spoon, the Humane pin is the eccentric innovator with a flair for the dramatic, and the iPhone is the polished professional that's seen it all. Who will win the hearts of the tech-savvy crowd? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure: the smartphone market just got a whole lot more interesting.


The Rabbit R1, Humane AI Pin, and iPhone represent diverse approaches to integrating technology into daily life. The Rabbit R1 is a unique device that operates on Rabbit OS, using a Large Action Model (LAM) to interact with apps and perform tasks on behalf of the user, offering a hands-off experience. In contrast, the Humane AI Pin is a wearable device that projects a Laser Ink Display onto the user's palm, allowing for interaction through voice and gestures, emphasizing a screenless, more integrated human-device interaction. Meanwhile, the iPhone continues to be a powerhouse of functionality with its robust ecosystem and familiar interface. Each device has its own set of features and limitations, catering to different user preferences and needs. The Rabbit R1 is noted for its affordability and playful design, while the Humane AI Pin stands out for its innovative interaction model, though it has faced challenges with visibility in daylight and battery life. The iPhone remains a versatile and widely adopted choice, known for its extensive app support and user-friendly design. Ultimately, the decision between these devices will depend on the user's priorities, whether they value the novelty of AI-driven interactions, the seamless integration of wearable technology, or the reliability and familiarity of a traditional smartphone.


The tech world is buzzing with excitement over the latest innovations in smart devices, and at the forefront are the Rabbit R1 and the Humane AI Pin, both offering unique takes on AI integration. The Rabbit R1, priced at a more accessible $199, is a compact device that boasts a playful design and a straightforward approach to task management, operating on its own Rabbit OS powered by a Large Action Model (LAM). This allows it to learn and perform tasks on your behalf, interacting with a variety of apps for services like booking flights or streaming music. On the other hand, the Humane AI Pin, with its premium price tag of $699, offers a screenless, wearable experience that projects an interface onto your palm, allowing for voice and gesture interactions. It's a bold step towards a more immersive and distraction-free interaction with technology. While the iPhone continues to be a staple in the smartphone market, these two devices are carving out their own niches, promising to redefine our relationship with technology. The Rabbit R1 and Humane AI Pin are not just gadgets; they're a glimpse into a future where technology seamlessly integrates into our lives, offering new ways to interact with the digital world. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or simply looking for the next big thing, these devices are sure to spark your curiosity and imagination. The choice between them will depend on your preference for either a more traditional handheld device or a futuristic wearable that pushes the boundaries of innovation.




June 17, 2024


Outlook contains a nice Chat GPT interface.  This is a way to do a scene using it’s “Create Image” feature. 


Ok chum ready                     I was born ready                   Will call the shot that hit you

                                                                                            A hinder.



If  you enjoy doing it from Co-Pilot you only get 6 images on high speed processing so either shell out some money or go slowly. 


Sorry about the  butt shot. Let’s call it a hinder.




June 11, 2024

In a realm where myth and magic intertwine, the story unfolds in a garden of ethereal beauty, tended by Gandalf, a wizard with a deep connection to the natural world. Eve, curious and seeking wisdom, encounters Sauron, whose intelligence and cunning challenge her perceptions. As Gandalf extols the virtues of their verdant paradise, describing how the pure waters nourish the land, Sauron presents a stark contrast, warning of the consequences of unchecked power. His words about acid rain, a byproduct of the fires that fuel Gandalf's magic, cast a shadow over the garden's future. This narrative weaves together elements of biblical lore and high fantasy, exploring themes of knowledge, temptation, and the delicate balance between creation and destruction. It serves as a metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge, the allure of power, and the wisdom to recognize the difference between the two. The 'Father' figure, representing the pinnacle of wisdom, stands as a reminder that true understanding often comes from harmonizing the old with the new, and that even the wisest can benefit from fresh perspectives.




May 22,2024

This year AI conquered the world.  Years ago the request for a new machine landed on the desks of our friends in software.  Make a simple box that a young person could ask, “What is that?”  or “What does that mean?” 


This would make child raising fun and exciting for the family.  People have of course had iPhones with Siri for years but they lack ultimate simplicity between the user and the AI.  As much as the language people argued the acronym AID failed to win the day.  AID would be Artificial Intelligence Device.


 So along comes Rabbit.  So easy even Rachel and Amelia could use it.  I am big in the Visually Impaired friend game so if I ask Rachel to just PUSH one BUTTON and talk.  The device should provide the answer.  Once configured she could charge on a schedule and discuss answers with Amelia or Amelia could use it herself. 


Anyway it also has a feature of point and  describe for objects.  Point the camera, say what is it and Rabbit says ‘There is a Steinway Grand Piano.  Provided the piano is in the frame.


Go ahead and try the Rabbit R1 for $300  it lists for $199 but the company can’t make enough of them.



May 1, 2024

The nature of comprehension arises in all areas of life.  Nouns that name specific items provide a view into the world of specific professions.  Quick ways of saying an object allow people to use language as a working companion to work. 


Bill wrote to Michael this note.


“We drove to Maine and stopped in at a lobster pound.  It’s a nothing fancy bit of shoreline with a dock and a shack one can get the lobster steamed with a side of an ear of corn.  Once you have eaten the known delicacy in this way, you love yourself in relation to shoreline nature. 


Rachel knew her way around the lobster as her mothers family hails from Maine.


OK, it’s a competition for who is better in each state.


Anyway Rachel cracked the lobster in two seconds and  was sucking on the claw before Bill could figure out what to do with the thing.


She loved to do it she said and swiped the lobster off Bills plate and broke it’s back revealing the tender tail.  OK, that looks good.  They smiled enjoying the relatively warm day for Maine.”


Nice note Michael said.  But I must reveal what my reads were by three known interpreters.


Peter called it as he had a wasted day eating non kosher food.  You know Michael the lobster lives in the shallows and could cause illness.  Eating outside she cooked his lobster.


Daniel said, “She did not put the lobster up her butt, he cracked the shell of the shell fish.  Shell fish have a shell. 


Phil said, “Our hero worked up the stamina to have a summer excursion to the northernmost commonwealth on the Atlantic coast.  They dined on the treasured catch of the lobster men and found the day delightful with fine company.  It runs out from what I understand.  The love and the money that is.”


So Bill is wondering, “Does Michael know at all what the note says?”


So Bill’s like the human interpretation is vague.  What would modern AI have fixed it too.


Comprehension is indeed a fascinating aspect of language, as it allows us to navigate through life's various domains. The note from Bill to Michael is a delightful vignette, capturing the essence of a Maine adventure with a humorous twist on a lobster feast. It's a tale of culinary skill, familial ties, and the simple joys of seaside dining. The interpretations by Peter, Daniel, and Phil add layers of humor, cultural perspective, and poetic reflection, showcasing how a single experience can be viewed through multiple lenses. Ultimately, the note serves as a reminder that language not only communicates facts but also conveys emotions, relationships, and the richness of shared experiences. Whether Michael grasps the full depth of the note is left to the imagination, but the story's charm lies in its ability to evoke a sense of place and connection among friends.


Dec 5, 2023

The end of the year is near.  Everything is running well.  I present some work in progress awaiting ink.  It’s the original view of Coil Town.   This is how illustration can be done.  Although not fully inked our guys wanted it on the site for discussion.


The humor of Coil Town


Have a great holiday everyone.


Feb 13, 2023

Mostosoft began in Evanston in 2004.  YouTube had not been created and very few people had discovered social media.  The hardware provided almost enough support for video sharing.  Then the iPhone hit the market and sharing video became easier.  Video formats differed between the Windows WMV and the Real Time from apple .MOV files.  The  idea of caring for video’s remains sound to this day.  Someone ought to look at the posts and make them relevant to the world.  Sure you could batch off a video to the world but it wouldn’t be what we do here.  Technology works with people.


After a major shakeup Mostosoft reorganized in 2013 and so this is the 10th year on this hardware platform and 19th year overall.


Happy users visited 12,000 times last year.


The slow learners and the over teched speed freaks still avoid it.


Keep on Mostosofting.  That’s what were Mostosofting about.




Have a good summer.  Some good comics are located on the older posts link.

June 27, 2022

Get a cloud account.  I have Google Cloud, One Drive and iCloud.  On Apple a .99c charge gets you 50GB of storage.  Any upgrade of an iPad or iPhone and the iCloud earns it’s keep.  In no time at all the music and apps sync and your good to go.


As a project I had arranged all my photos as follows




                          1980_ 1989




                         2020_2029/2022 etc


The Uploads folder on the iCloud app allows you to drag files to the UPLOADS and they arrive nicely on your iCloud account which syncs to the phone and tablet.  The only trouble is the date on the Photos is on the scan date and not the date in history.  With tedious adjusting the time the years appear on the iPhone as if the iPhone had been introduced in March of 1963.  (Bill’s Birth Year)


Now all I have to do is send that earlier in life Photo that you could have loved for producing Mostosoft.


What was he Mostosofting about?  He was Mostosofting about Photos on the cloud.



June 25, 2022

Hi everyone.  Many wonder why Bill would have a place in Coil Town called Dave’s Place.  The following appeared in The Daily in 1984.  The Reagan years changed some things.  The robo calls and deep fakes were done by those in school at that time.  So here it is D. Brede and Utopia.






April 28, 2022


My thing today relies on shared experiences. When beginning the project of “America at the turn of the 21st century” it relied on people verifying with themselves the facts.

So now born in 2000 knows less about a non premised world then there parents the generation before.

So Bill is history to the college kids. Listen old man if the war is not on your block, don’t attend.

So the striking blow of the old school cable television station that rules you means nothing in a world of perpetual streaming. Sure some old clowns want you the college kids to fight in a war not of there doing. Some kids like the idea of legally shooting a gun at other people. Other people try to break into a good job doing real time military interfaces.

I love everything about what the age has done with the tools they have. The courage to live without displaying doubts and fears to old folks contrasts with digital therapy and crowded employee assistance programs.

It’s real hard for a lot of people. There are still people that ask the youth, “What do you want to do with your life?” Having had that myself I can tell you, the question needs to be something like, “I see you as a successful programmer.” Although the acronym “STEM” can not be avoided here. The kid to often has been dropped off at a park with no instructions. Beach play has also not impressed the very young. Oh boy are you trying to give me skin cancer.

So not STEM what about a content creator. Yes that’s in your going to have a great Tik-Tok feed. First though you have to win that war you don’t know about.


April 27, 2022

The new religion of the world appears to be the belief in binary reduction worship. The colorful spectrum of answers became the colorful answer of a multiplicity of yes no questions.


Do you love? Yes or No

Do you want to win? Yes or No.

Do you support our side? Yes or No.

Is this a good piece of art? Yes or No.

Is that person a good person? Yes or No.

Can you beat that person up? Yes or No.

Are you crazy? Yes or No.

The approximation of text to speech led to AI processing to evaluate well formed formulas.

International data processing on American film led to this method for many.


April 26, 2022

The human voice conveys messages to the other creatures near by. The dog hears it’s name as well as the neighboring humans.

If one writes, “I am fine.” There are those who would not translate that to there internal rationalization that the person is fine.

So if one writes that there is a problem. They need to say, he said things are not fine. It’s the same problem humans have faced for thousands of years. Which should a peoples be oral law, written law or size law.

Bill sat reviewing his 8 volumes wondering if he said those things in sound as is surmised.

The program went wrong. The kids were all made conservative and the fight is on. They will not understand the other guy and so violence will ensue. They are in fights that may destroy them.

The love they say they feel is not free. People kill for them.

So dear reader you are a rare breed. You found the truth in yourself through reading and not at the pray of a talented liar.

Out of context the words used to start a fight were not the attempt. Partisan politics was not the attempt. The nature of the collective message of being opposed to Bill requires respecting you and all you are. The vanquishing aspect of the attack can not be provided. You have found all the people with the fighting words that would burn Bill at the stake.

So dear attackers and defenders the message is to stop speaking this way about “Bill’s Book” Bill would leave you notes from the ages not battle cries for your intense day with it.

When the sword is risen at anger with you, quote someone else. When the swords ask you for your piece don’t quote Bill. For it is what you did on this day that mattered.

One other thing that involves saving someones soul that wrote something you didn’t read and don’t get, he has many people that pray for them. Hearing good prayers and not stirring anger impresses him with your good will.

Yes, the war is at hand. Yes you have to believe in something or you will fall for anything. Self satisfied people want more yet find faith in how the material life worked out for them. The oral law people seek deceit as a primary goal and assumed I was practicing deceit with you. The written word of it held truths over many pages. Oral law rises with anger at a what if scenario about something said to be false or bad in the rest of the text.

For the reader, is there a bit of poison in the water from the lake


April 25, 2022


The world seems to be heading to a new age. Long gone are the images of Nazi’s and Communists aggressively at odds with English and American capitalism.

France went socialist. German went social democracy. America tried compassionate conservatism.

Russia invaded the Ukraine. A mass gunman shot at Israeli’s in Tel Aviv in another act of senseless violence.

People range too far with electronic reporting on the web and on television.

Nothing is bothering you. Nah, the pandemic quieted down the busy bee that kept him slogging around the city.

So the blue tooth JBL speaker employed as a receiver of signals from the iPhone brought back peoples crown of uncertain lives.


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