About Mostosoft















Dec, 2023

Initial 2013


In case you were wondering, Mostosoft.com aimed to have people work on "personal posts" video check-ins on a subject so the club and the moms and dads could see the Links for each member of the club and "get the news" from everyone.  Some people in my life played the "home game" of what is the site designer up to.   To start get your kids and their pals with YouTube accounts.  They send you the link and you put together the web page or web page with links to the days videos.  Officially you would have had your own web site.

They didn't tweet it they mostosofted it. One of the enhancements we are looking at is to have "broadcast" posts from celebrities and politicians the site dealer/manager posts with the clubs pages. A good reason to go with a franchise player page for your club.

Dear All

I am excited to introduce Mostosoft, a company deeply rooted in the belief that every digitally recorded moment deserves meticulous attention and care. Our mission is to blend cutting-edge technology with human creativity, ensuring that memories are not just captured but also beautifully preserved.

Allow me to share what sets Mostosoft apart:

1.                               Digital Imagery with Heart:

o                                                        We recognize that behind every photograph, video, or visual content lies a story. Our team approaches each project with empathy and dedication, understanding that these moments matter to our clients.

o                                                        Whether it’s a family gathering, a corporate event, or a personal milestone, we infuse care into every pixel.

2.                               The Personal Video Club:

o                                                        At Mostosoft, we’ve pioneered the concept of the Personal Video Club. It’s more than just a service; it’s a community of members who value their memories.

o                                                        Our club ensures that families and individuals receive personalized, curated videos that capture the essence of their special occasions. From birthdays to anniversaries, we create lasting impressions.

3.                               Curiosity and Solid Answers:

o                                                        We encourage curiosity. Our team digs deep to understand the context, emotions, and significance behind each piece of content.

o                                                        By asking the right questions, we uncover hidden gems and create videos that resonate with authenticity.

4.                               The Digital Room Experience:

o                                                        Many companies post videos, but Mostosoft goes beyond the ordinary. We offer a digital room experience.

o                                                        Our skilled video editors transform raw footage into captivating narratives. The result? A virtual space where memories come alive, colors pop, and emotions leap off the screen.

5.                               Topic-Focused Spark:

o                                                        Our creative process begins with a spark—an idea, a theme, or a topic. We believe that focus breeds excellence.

o                                                        Whether it’s a travel vlog, a product launch, or a heartfelt tribute, Mostosoft’s topic-focused approach ensures that each video is purposeful and impactful.

6.                               What Are You Mostosofting About?:

o                                                        This phrase echoes through our office. It’s a reminder to stay curious, passionate, and committed.

o                                                        So, I ask you: What are you Mostosofting about? Let us capture it, enhance it, and turn it into a visual masterpiece.

In the digital age, managing one's image and likeness online is crucial, especially for content creators who are just starting out. It's easy to get excited and publish videos hastily without considering the long-term implications. This is where services that offer monitored video content can be invaluable. They provide a layer of oversight, ensuring that the videos meet certain standards before they go live. This not only helps in maintaining a positive online presence but also in protecting the creator's brand and reputation. Try Mostosoft.com, the concept aligns with emerging trends in content management and security, as seen with the introduction of real-time video monitoring and advanced security tools for video content. Such services are becoming essential for creators who want to ensure their work is portrayed in the best light and safeguarded against potential misuse.  Video clubs keep it real.  “What are  you Mostosofting about.”


Thank you for considering Mostosoft. We look forward to creating magic together.

Warm regards,

Bill (All Inquiries William.mostovoy@mostosoft.com )

Mostosoft Team 


Over 70,000 visits!!

  The site gives you the “Topic Grab”

Founder William “Bill” Mostovoy



Your dealer will set up a local reference page for you.  Each week you will submit a 30second or so video to the dealer host.  They will link this with your friends and club members.  Larry out of Chino has 9 players and a manager on his PVC.  Your parents or kids will love to get the news.  Each Thursday by 5:00PM PDT you submit your video blast and Sunday everyone can sit down and check you out in the news blast.

Hopefully everyone will have fun with it and have good not tearful video memories.   We take care of you.  -WDM





