How to Mostosoft



[About]  [Sales Form]

A typical Mostosoft Adventure…

 Begins with topics…

Mostosoft is a service to provide high quality video exchanges. 

Prepare, relax and connect.

The user does the creating.  The service provides an edited video for the Mostosoft “audience” user.  Answering, “What did you do today?”

Marketing Mostosoft

Or Click on the Example for what each user gets.  You can be independent; however eyes and coordination count in the game of video.


Your local Mostosoft representative will provide you the hot links of the day and what is appropriate.  For example you will see a “Forum” section.  You may be asked to “Weigh in as to your clubs feelings on these.

The site is fun for all but the real action is on your Mostosoft representatives PVC system for you.’


William Mostovoy (Mr. Mostosoft)



1) Type into the browser

The Home Page for the Site Mostosoft comes up

2) Pick the subject that you want to Mostosoft about

The site contains information for users to start conversation based on the word usage that many feel enhances the national song

3) Record your message using a webcam

Any webcam or camera that has Audio and Video work well

4) Upload your message to a special website provided by your dealer or your own “Generic” video hosting site

Your Mostosoft dealer collects posts from you on a subject and allows your personal community to view your local feelings on the “controversial” or topical issues.

5) Not feeling rich with your own face then you can use your phone with a Mostosoft buddy.

Program a number of a friend who agrees to be a Mostosoft buddy and share possible explanations for things.

6) Advanced development of Video and Audio filming on Film topics

The presentation people want you to feel comfortable using technology to create digital content.

7) Read the offerings of texts and create written responses

The teachers in the family wish to encourage your own exploration in word use



The franchise approach to “dealership” would involve providing your name and contact information to the site manager as a trade for a listing of official “friends” of the site Mostosoft.  Absolutely in no way is there any problem with you as an independent providing such services.  With goodwill to the industry, the site offered as a friend to list someone in your area.  As they say all politics are local so enjoy the system wherever you are.   –Staff


Sales Form


To sell us begin by getting accepted with your agent.  Connect with an agent.  Print out your form.  Quote a price for your area and make money.  How does someone make money on the site?  Profit is not from just putting up these site pages.  It’s for connecting with the community of users and selling yourself and your clients.  Why us?  The exclusive care of the staff provides an environment safe from the trolls on some social media sites



8.3%  Royalties on billing each month.


Mostosoft Representative Form




Client Web Address:

Video Client:







Names of prospective group members to be contacted. (Limit 10)



Video Audience:

1: Self

2: Mom

3: Dad

4: Grandparents







Price Quote:

Salesperson Signature.